. Use My Middle Name - 'First, MI' is NOT the only 'PROPER' name form! Use My Middle Name - 'First, MI' is NOT the only 'PROPER' name form! Use My Middle Name - 'First, MI' is NOT the only 'PROPER' name form!  

Use My Middle Name is a political, economic and educational action organization established to restore the rights of those individuals whose proper name does not fall into the nearly universally imposed 'first name, middle initial' construct once required by now-obsolete database systems. We aim to end the tyrrany of 'first name, middle initial' so everyone can be known by their true and proper name.

Since the 1960's, when programming and data entry were done primarily with punched cards and computers had much more limited capabilities, most database systems have been built requiring names to be entered as first name, middle initial, and last name. This was imposed as a programming and data processing expediency due to the resource constraints of those early computers and their programming languages. In more recent times, some systems have been modified and support first name, middle name and last name, in which a first initial can be used. Almost none support any other form of name construction.

Not everyone's proper name is built or used as a "first name, middle initial" construct. For example, a common alternative is first initial, middle name, last name, as used by D. Zachary Adams, H. Julian Allen, D. Anthony Antonelli, D. Francois J. Arago, L. David Ash, J. Leland "Lee" Atwood, L. Fabian Bachrach Jr., F. Lee Bailey, R. Keith Beal, A. Henri Becquerel, J. Georg Bednorz, J. Jacob Berzelius, W. Brian Binnie, K. Ferdinand Braun, S. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, M. Scott Carpenter, S. Grover Cleveland, M. Rich Clifford, C. Pete Conrad, L. Gordon Cooper, L. Joseph Crawford, A. Scott Crossfield, M. Carter Crow, R. Walter M. Cunningham , L. Sprague de Camp, N. Jan Davis, B. Alvin Drew, J. Presper Eckert, J. Robert Emden, R. Alan Eustace, E. Michael Fincke, F. Scott Fitzgerald, H. Louis Fizeau, N. Camille Flammarion, J. Ambrose Fleming, C. Michael Foale, J. Leon Foucault, J. Steve Fossett, R. Buckminster Fuller, C. Gordon Fullerton, F. Andrew "Drew" Gaffney, E. Jake Garn, J. Paul Getty, Dr. T. Keith Glennan, S. David Griggs, M. Charles Guille, L. Blaine Hammond, Jr., W. Averell Harriman, T. Thomas "Tom" Henricks, F. William Herschel, J. Edgar Hoover, L. Ron Hubbard, P. Jules C. Janssen, S. Paul Johnson, F. August Kekule, A. Roy Knabenshue, W. Fred Koschara, J. Norman Lockyer, J. Michael "Mike" Lounge, G. David Low, K. T. Robert Luther, R. Bradford Malt, T. Ken Mattingly II, K. Megan McArthur, S. Christa McAuliffe, H. Marshall McLuhan, A. Tomaio Mendez, P. Rai Menges, Ph.D., F. Curt Michel, R. Michael "Mike" Mullane, K. Alex Muller, F. Story Musgrave, C. William Nelson, F. Greg Neubeck, M. Daniel Nickle, H. Kamerlingh Onnes , J. Robert Oppenheimer, L. K. H. Friedrich Paschen, L. Adolphe J. Quetelet, J. Thomas Romney Robinson, A. Eleanor Roosevelt, P. Claiborne Saldarriaga, L. Ferd Shear, F. Richard "Dick" Scobee, J. Bruce Scott, M. Rhea Seddon, J. Comas Sola, A. Friedrich Staats, G. Harry Stine, E. Brian Trubshaw, T. Woodrow Wilson, P. J. K. "Jeff" Wisoff, S. Pete Worden, and many others.

Forcing individuals whose true and proper name is not constructed as "first name, middle initial" to identify themselves as such is a system fraught with perils:

  • If a person cannot use their true and proper name to sign documents, are those documents in fact valid?
  • If the government forces a person to use a different name (e.g., on a "driver's license") which is not their own true and proper name, does that expose the person to prosecution for using an alias?
  • Consider the situation where a father and son have the same first and middle names. One is known by his first name, the other by his middle. How does forcing both to be known by "first name, middle initial" allow for any differentiation between the two individuals? What happens when their data records overlap or become confused?

Use My Middle Name seeks to rectify these sorts of issues by calling for an end to the tyrrany of obsolete data processing systems and their imposition of "first name, middle initial" even when it is inappropriate or in error.

We want to hear about other problems you have encountered. We want to compile a list of individuals who have been disallowed use of their proper name. We want to work with you to bring about change. We want to hear from YOU about what is wrong, and your thoughts on how to fix this.

This is not a small job, and it's not going to be done right away. We need your financial support, your time and effort writing to legislators and corporations to show them the need for change, why and how it can be done. This Web site is going to be the focus of the effort, so please stay tuned to keep abreast of the progress.

Please tell everyone you know about this site, donate, participate - Let's make it happen!

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  Use My Middle Name
c/o Political Action Committee
518 N 24th Ave.
Hollywood, FL 33020 USA

Use My Middle Name has not yet been established as a non-profit organization, so donations are not currently tax deductible. However, once the necessary paperwork has been completed and non-profit status has been achieved, donors will receive the documentation to support their tax deductible contributions.

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